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Mochrum Fell Windfarm Appeal – The Economics
On the 24th July 2015 the decision was made by the Dumfries and Galloway Planning Committee to reject the development of the above windfarm on grounds of Landscape. Their decision was however subjective and ignored the objective evidence presented by the professional consultants. We were also concerned to learn at the hearing that the socio-economic benefits of the scheme to the people of Dumfries and Galloway held no weight in their decision process. The developer has appealed this decision with the Scottish Government and our letter of support follows. Dear…

Lurkie – Private Water Supply Upgrade
The new Loch Lurkie water supply is now fully operational. We have replaced the former Victorian infrastructure / filtration system with a modern OFSY / ozone system designed to meet…

Harry Adams retires after 47 years of unwavering service
Harry Adams has retired from his role of “Forester” after 47 years of service (Jan 23rd 1967 – 4th July 2014). Simply put there was nothing Harry could not put…

John Yerburgh 23.05.1923 – 17.06.2014
John Maurice Armstrong Yerburgh was born on 23rd May 1923, the eldest of two boys, John and Oscar, sons of Guy and Hilda Yerburgh, grandsons of Elma Yerburgh. Following her…
Gordon Pole joins the Team
Gordon Pole has joined the team as “Estate Forester”. Previously working as a self employed forestry contractor in Inverness he brings great forestry expeience to the team. On graduating from…

Leading the way in Sustainable Heating
In 2012 we installed a state of the art biomass boiler to heat a number of properties on the estate. The system is fueled entirely from sustainably grown estate timber…
Blairinnie Steading / Affordable Housing – Planning Approval Granted
Planning approval has be granted for the conversion of Blairinnie steading, a redundant farm building, into 4 affordable homes. In keeping with the estates values the properties will be environmentally…
Mochrum Fell Windfarm – The Facts
Coriolis Energy / Falck Renewables currently have a planning application in place for an 33 MW Windfarm on Mochrum Fell. What follows is our letter of support detailing the benefits…