Keep up to date with everything that's going on at Barwhillanty!
Barwhillanty Blog… autumnal edition with an addition!
Summer was in bloom and so was I...

Barwhillanty Blog… wild swims and outdoor things!
From spring to summer, from blossom to bloom... we have been blessed with plenty of sunshine...

Barwhillanty Blog… baa blaa baa!!
The season of the lambs is well and truly here and don't we know it...

Barwhillanty Blog… Raw and Wild!
Signs of spring have already sprung, with spectacular starling murmurations and stunning snowdrops...

Barwhillanty Blog… festive fun!
'Tis the season; all things merry and bright with cosy fires and Christmas tree lights...

Barwhillanty Blog… happy horses!
The clip-clopping and happy horse sighs can now be heard...
Mochrum Fell Windfarm – Planning Approval Granted
We are delighted to announce that the appeal to Scottish Government made by Falck Renewables and Coriolis Energy to overturn the previously rejected planning permission for the windfarm at Mochrum…

David Rankin joins the team
David Rankin has joined the team as our new “Keeper / Wildlife Ranger”. David has been a professional gamekeeper, stalker and fishery manager on a number of well-established Highland estates.…
Barwhillanty Blog… WILDlife walks!
What wildlife wonders await you, as you don your walking boots and wander through Barwhillanty's fields and woodland?

Barwhillanty Blog… blooming Barwhillanty
Spring has truly sprung and my overdue blog post is finally here...

The Queen’s 90th Birthday Beacon
We are lighting a special beacon to mark the Queen’s 90th Birthday. Her Majesty is turning 90 on Thursday April 21st, with beacons being lit across the country to celebrate…

Barwhillanty Blog… welly wellbeing!
Wash away your winter blues with lung fills of fresh country air at Barwhillanty Estate...

Barwhillanty Blog… counting sheep!
It's not just the abundant fresh air, indulgence of outdoor activities and rural quiet that ensures a good night's sleep...

Barwhillanty Blog… a happy New Year
Happy New Year... resolutions at the ready! Healthy, wholesome outdoor living is what Barwhillanty is about... and we are waiting to welcome you...

Barwhillanty Blog… a countryside Christmas
With Christmas cheer building up; cosy fires being lit and carols being sung, I thought I'd bring you an insight into Barwhillanty Estate's countryside Christmas...

The Barwhillanty Blog begins
Let me introduce the "Barwhillanty Blog"... a personal insight into the rural happenings that conserve the beautiful countryside, whilst inspiring enjoyment, within the realms of our estate...