Leading the way in Sustainable Heating
In 2012 we installed a state of the art biomass boiler to heat a number of properties on the estate. The system is fueled entirely from sustainably grown estate timber (managed to FSC standards). As we are no longer burning oil, around 188 tonnes less CO2 is released into the atmosphere each year. The forestry on the estate is also doing its bit…. it captures circa 14600 tonnes of CO2 per year!
In 2013 we looked at installing another biomass boiler to heat 7 further properties and a dairy. Unfortunately the cost of infrastructure made the project unfeasible.
We are currently seeking funding for a new residential development on the estate (Further detail can be found under residential news). The project seeks to provide 5 affordable lets, heated with a biomass district heating system under an ESCO agreement. The project also aims to harness rainwater for domestic use.
Biomass boilers aside, a majority of the residential lets on the estate are also sustainably heated with wood burning stoves. Fuel for these stoves is provided by our small woodfuel business. Further detail can be found by clicking on the forestry section of this website.
Join the woodfuel revolution!
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