21,800 homes that won’t benefit from renewable electricity: Mochrum fell Windfarm – Refused Planning
I am saddened to report that he Scottish Government has refused planning on the 29.4MW Mochrum Fell Windfarm that would have supplied renewable power to 21,800 homes in Dumfries and Galloway. As one of the landowners upon whose ground the windfarm was to be sited, I am not purely objective in my views, but then it would appear nor may be the Reporter appointed by Ministers to dictate the fate of this sustainable venture. By way of background, the scheme was approved in 2016 with no material considerations for refusal,…

Mochrum Fell Windfarm – Public Consultation
The proposed windfarm on Mochrum Fell is currently undergoing public consultation. The scheme which is already approved, detail of which can be found in earlier posts, is seeking to increase…
Mochrum Fell Windfarm – Planning Approval Granted
We are delighted to announce that the appeal to Scottish Government made by Falck Renewables and Coriolis Energy to overturn the previously rejected planning permission for the windfarm at Mochrum…
Mochrum Fell Windfarm Appeal – The Economics
On the 24th July 2015 the decision was made by the Dumfries and Galloway Planning Committee to reject the development of the above windfarm on grounds of Landscape. Their decision…

Lurkie – Private Water Supply Upgrade
The new Loch Lurkie water supply is now fully operational. We have replaced the former Victorian infrastructure / filtration system with a modern OFSY / ozone system designed to meet…

Leading the way in Sustainable Heating
In 2012 we installed a state of the art biomass boiler to heat a number of properties on the estate. The system is fueled entirely from sustainably grown estate timber…
Mochrum Fell Windfarm – The Facts
Coriolis Energy / Falck Renewables currently have a planning application in place for an 33 MW Windfarm on Mochrum Fell. What follows is our letter of support detailing the benefits…