Barwhillanty Blog… WILDlife walks!
What wildlife wonders await you, as you don your walking boots and wander through Barwhillanty’s fields and woodland? There is plenty to keep you on your toes!
The home of the red kite; look up and you will often see one of these regal birds of prey soaring past. The smaller buzzard is also a keen resident here and has been known to show particular interest in Donald, our handyman, who has had several encounters with one on his bicycle! An unusual twist on rural risk… keep your helmets on here!
Watch your step, since we have some spiky friends; hedgehogs that potter along our paths, keeping themselves busy. Such cute creatures – a wonderful sight to see! Red squirrels skip along everywhere and you might befriend a frog or two.
Our roe deer population has been soaring, as we await the arrival of our new gamekeeper/wildlife ranger. So you may well glimpse a deer darting through our woodland on your travels. We are lucky enough to be welcoming David to our team, and his family will be joining him, making their home here in one of our cottages on Barwhillanty Estate. More to follow about this exciting addition to our team in the ‘News’ section of our website.
We are well acquainted with the sheep and their rapidly growing lambs that fluff up our fields, but we have plenty of curious cows too! And before you open the gate to cross through a field, remember there is a brazen bull hanging out in one of them. An excitement that I, and possible baby Acacia, won’t forget! Nonchalantly stepping into the field, on a walk with our good friends, each with our babies strapped to their respective daddies, the young bull decided to take an interest… before we knew it, we were dancing around the field, dodging the bull. It was Oscar, with our little Acacia hanging on, who took the initiative to face the bull! Realising this was the way to frighten the bull into retreat, we all joined in with flailing limbs in unanimous panic… fortunately enough to allow sufficient space to leg it back through the gate! Well done Oscar and Acacia – a rather animated adventure for such early days of her life!
So for a taste of the wild, or just walks with wildlife, we have it all waiting here…
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