Barwhillanty Blog… festive fun!
‘Tis the season; all things merry and bright with cosy fires and Christmas tree lights… as we scuttle around in search for the perfect gift, fill our ears with Christmas songs and begin the festive countdown, what happens here for a countryside Christmas?
Well, we’re fattening up our pheasants as the shooting season is truly underway. Our keeper, David, and his wife, Amy, have been meticulously looking after our bouquets of pheasants, making their lives happy until they meet their fates (and our plates!). We are only hosting a few days for family and friends at Barwhillanty to get things back up and running, but more to come in the future!
Our woods have been roamed by a party of Italien guests and their Pointer dogs this past week – woodcock shooting. It is amazing to watch their dogs at work, with such skill and accuracy. We are thrilled they had such a wonderful time and had some wild game to turn into Italien delicacies. This Christmas, we are excited about welcoming a family to our holiday cottage, Diamonds Laggan – the perfect cosy getaway. With fires roaring and hills to be exploring, what enchanting Christmas cheer awaits them. Barwhillanty firewood supports our cosy Christmases at home and beyond, as we supply locally too. Gordon, our forester, has been busy making the wood from the trees as well as pruning our hardwoods to help produce fine, tall and straight trees – just what the sawmills are after!
It is Acacia’s first Christmas, so she is very excited in anticipation of Santa’s visit, but all she really wants for Christmas is her two front teeth! Merry Christmas!
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