Barwhillanty Blog… Christmas is coming!

Christmas is coming and the pheasants are already fat! The shooting season is well and truly underway, yet our wet winter wonderland has not impinged on our sporting success, with many a pheasant-filled day decorating our skies… and our plates. We are delighted to be using all our own pheasant and venison to tempt the tummies of our shooting guests, keeping true to our principle of ‘eat what you shoot’. We are also very excited to be supplying our local creative chef, Mr Pook and his kitchen, with some of our finest phessies and are overjoyed to see an inspiring young chef showcasing this versatile and delicious game on his menu (
We are also thrilled that our first “ladies’ day” shooting was such a triumph. We loved welcoming a wonderful group of ladies in tweed to partake in a day of countryside fun, to demonstrate their excellent skills in accuracy and to present a hearty bag to finish. We intend to make this an annual event, modernising tradition and embracing inclusivity. Bring on the ladies!
As the festive spirit builds, we are delighted Barwhillanty’s holiday cottages will have their fires crackling, the local kirk will have a beautiful Barwhillanty Christmas tree glowing and the local children will enjoy their visit from Santa here at our Walled Garden Wonderland. May the season be jolly and may next year be as fruitful… Merry Christmas!
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