The Estate welcomes responsible public access but would like to provide the following guidance:

Access to any part of the estate is taken at your own risk
No motorised vehicular access is authorised on the estate private roads. Vehicles left on entrances must not prohibit timber lorry or other estate, emergency vehicle access.
Use of the roads by cyclist walkers / runners is welcome but for horse riders or any organised event we ask you seek authority well in advance. Authority can be sought from The Estate Office (Details at the bottom of this page) or via Scottish Woodlands Ltd. 01556 502 754.

We are a business and as such associated hazardous operations may be taking place on any part of the estate at any time:
Forestry Operations (In particular harvesting or chemical spraying) – Obey all signage and avoid these areas.
Game Shooting (1st September – 31st January) / Deer Stalking (All Year): Obey all signage and avoid these areas. Deer control takes place throughout the year and as such signage may not always be displayed. As a guide usual hours of operation are dawn and dusk. We also ask that you do not climb deer high seats. Please contact the estate Wildlife Manager – David Rankin 07810552440 or the Estate Office (Details at the bottom of this page) should you have any access-associated questions.
Farming – Stay clear of heavy machinery, livestock and farm buildings.

There are numerous residential properties / farms on the estate. Please respect peoples privacy / businesses and stay clear of houses / gardens / farm buildings.
Please do not disturb wildlife and leave the environment as you find it i.e. do not start fires, do not drop litter, and leave gates as you find them.
Please keep dogs under proper control. They should be kept on a leash or under very close control.

Biosecurity is a set of precautions that aim to prevent the introduction and spread of harmful organisms. These may be pests, pathogens or invasive species. Please ensure all footwear, equipment (i.e. bikes etc.) is clean on entering the estate and on leaving the estate. Although vehicular access is only possible on public roads, these roads pass through the estate, and as such we ask that you also keep your vehicle clean; do not let mud or organic debris accumulate on tyres, wheels, or under wheel arches.
Estate Map