Barwhillanty Estate is a working family estate in the beautiful Galloway hills of Kirkcudbrightshire, South West Scotland, home to Maria and Oscar Yerburgh and their young family.

Family run since 1884, our estate is around 5000 acres and includes 1170.85 hectares of commercial forestry, a home farm of 934.74 hectares, comprising around 1000 ewes, 250 hogs and 100 red deer hinds, three let farms: a mixed dairy and two traditional beef/sheep farms and twenty-four residential properties, the majority of which are let at affordable rents.
We traditionally remain a sporting estate, offering deer stalking, fishing and game shooting. More recently, we have expanded and diversified our business portfolio and now provide holiday accommodation and local wood fuel as well as hosting weddings, yoga classes and retreats and garden open days.
Further detail on all our activities, rentals etc can be found on this site.
Should you wish to contact us about other business opportunities please follow the links on our contact page.